The UK Hip Hop Dance Championships

The UK Hip Hop Dance Championships is the UK’s Most intense street dance competition featuring established and up and coming dancers/crews, all vying for the coveted right to Represent the UK at the World Championships in America.

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Register Now

Fed up with Unfair, Biased Judging or vague criteria?

Find out how we’ve dealt with it from day one The HHI judging system is the best in the world. Often imitated by other events, the HHI system has been in place from the very first day. Based on the Olympic standards of objectivity and with clear criteria and scoring our system has always reduced or eliminated bias giving you the fairest possible results.

Clear Rules

With quick skim you can get the basic or you can find detailed content to help you succeed.

Clear Penalties

Some things are not allowed. That’s why we have clearly defined deductions to help you avoid costly mistakes.

Free Judging Seminar

We want you to be successful. That’s why every year I run a seminar on the rules.  It’s free to all participants.

Clear Criteria

At HHI UK we have always included detailed but easy to understand judging criteria.

International Standards

You deserve a level playing field. That’s why at HHI all countries have the same rules. It’s fair.

No other events does so much for fairness

You deserve the best judging. Come and join our next event and experience something different.

Ready to Enter the Competition?

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Become a Judge

Do you have the skills necessary to be an HHI Judge? We want to speak with you. As the UK Market has expanded and changed our need for competent judges has increased. We would like to invite you to join our Judging Panel by taking our UK Training course.

This training will help you understand the rules at a deep level and is the first step towards becoming a UK Judge and perhaps be nominated for the World Hip Hop Dance Championships judging panel.

If this is of interest to you, give us your details below and we’ll inform you the dates of our next training.



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The World Championships!

Did you know you could join us in the world championships even if you’re not competing?

Yes, you can. Just email us and we’ll keep you up to date with information, as it becomes available.


I Want to Enter the competition