We are very excited to announce the first winners of the Nation’s Best Dance School Award on our results page.
The Nation’s Best Dance School Award for Street Dance is granted to the most active, talented, successful dance studio in the United Kingdom based on earned scores for participation, competition results etc.
We’ve established this Award because very often just crew members and dancers are recognized and appreciated, but the people who helped dancers to achieve success (dance teachers, choreographers, dance schools, dance companies) stays in the shadow.
To prepare for completion not just one, but several crews and battlers is a very hard work. And we want that people would recognize which dance studio, dance teacher, dance company works the hardest with the best results.
Unlike other awards where winning is based on voting, our award uses a more objective approach. The score system for UK Best Dance School Award will be as follows:
1 point for each Dance School member participating in the UKHHDC, Regional Event or Nations Best Dance School Event
Additional points for dancers placing in the top 5 (multiply of the dancers in the crew or team placing by the points according to the following scale)
1st place – number of crew members multiplied by 5
2nd place – number of crew members multiplied by 4
3rd place – number of crew members multiplied by 3
4th place – number of crew members multiplied by 2
5th place – number of crew members multiplied by 1
10 additional points for battle winner, 7 additional points for 2nd place battler and 3 points for any battlers who get thru preselection.
EXAMPLE: Dance Studio X registers 8 people in Junior Crew Section place 4th, 14 people in UnFormat category who place 2nd and 3 battlers who manage to go thru pre-selection but don’t place; Studio X Dance will earn:
8 + 14 + 3 + (8 x 4) + (14 x 4) + (3 x 3) = 122 points toward the UK’s Best School
If no other school or group earns more points, than Studio X, the Studio X will be the winner of the UK’s Best Dance School – Street Dance in UK, will have national bragging rights AND the coveted Best Dance School Trophy.
Please note: Additional points for will be awarded for World Championship qualifiers in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the Junior, Varsity, Adults and MegaCrews
In 2016 UK Best Dance School Award will be granted based on participation and results in Regional events that are scheduled on 2015-2016 after UKHHDC 18-19 April, 2015. + additional points Awarded for World Championship placement.
To start earning points for enter the UK Hip Hop Dance Championships or regional events are any of the soon to be announced Nation’s Best Dance School Events Around the Country.
For additional information on future events please fill out the form below
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