UK Hip Hop Dance Championship Safeguarding STAFF (ID #248376)Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Event *UK Hip Hop Dance Championship XX (2025)Name *FirstLastAge at time of signing *I am 18 or OlderI am 17 or youngerParent/Guardian *FirstLastEvent Role *Event VolunteerParticipant (parent if participant is under 18), Coach, CrewleaderJudgeMC, DJ, Videographer, Photographeridance or HHI Event Staff (NOT including volunteers)What is your main function in this event?Purpose *I understand that this document makes me aware of the Child Safety Policy and Procedures, Accident and Liability Waivers, and Consent forms. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and understand them.Supervision *I understand that event staff and volunteers are not permitted to be alone with children under 18 or vulnerable adults at any time. Violation of this policy may result in immediate dismissal. (reasonably visible visible backstage areas are not considered "alone" for this purpose.Supervision (2) *I understand that idance® may provide licensed chaperones or DBS-checked staff in the backstage area immediately prior to, during, and after the child’s competition(s) to ensure child safety. After competing, the child’s coach or DBS-checked adult must immediately collect the child.Supervision (3) *I understand that if a participant requires a chaperone outside of UKHHDC staff, and one is not available through UKHHDC/idance®, the participant is required to bring their own chaperone at their expense or they may be unable to participate.Supervision 4 *Supervision, except when the child participant is in the performance area(s), must be conducted by one of the following:- The child participant’s regular coach. - A licensed chaperone provided by the parents or coaches. - Another individual chosen by the parents or coaches who holds a current DBS Check.Safeguarding at the UK Hip Hop Dance ChampionshipTo ensure that the UK Hip Hop Dance Championship is conducted in a safe and secure environment, we have established additional Safeguarding Guidelines in line with MOVE It! and Newham Council’s requirements.Expectations *All participants, staff, crew leaders, and chaperones must act responsibly and notify us of any safeguarding incidents as soon as possible.Policy Adherence *All individuals must abide by the Safeguarding Policy and the code of conduct established for the UK Hip Hop Dance Championship.Prohibited Behaviour *Harmful behaviors, including but not limited to:-Physical aggression toward another person. -Possession of illegal substances. -Sexual misconduct or harassment. -Abuse or bullying. -Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. -Entering backstage areas, changing areas, or any other areas where a reasonable expectation of privacy or non-entry for safety reasons can be expected.Discrimination *Any form of discrimination is strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion from the event, loss of awards, and potential barring from future participation.Incident Handling *If any safeguarding incidents happen at idance® events that could affect the safety or security of our participants, they must be reported as soon as possible. This allows us to respond quickly and take the necessary steps to address the issue. If needed, we may involve law enforcement authorities. We are committed to ensuring that everyone involved in our events acts in a safe and respectful way. All participants, staff, and volunteers are expected to follow this Safeguarding Policy at all times. This policy is part of our general terms and conditions, which you can find at, along with our Child Protection Policy.Generally, in the event of an incident, the reporting chain is as follows: -Supervisor. Coach, Crewleader. Chaperone, etc. -Venue Safety Officer or Security including front of house staff -Event Organiser -Move It Safety Officer -Police/Ambulance (for life-threatening emergencies) All incidents must be reported promptly to ensure timely action.Accident and Liability WaiversFitness *I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in the event, and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional.Acknowledgment of Risks *Participation in this athletic/dance event involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical injury, death, and property loss. I hereby assume all risks of participating and volunteering.The risks include but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of athletes/dancers, equipment, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors, and/or producers of the event, and lack of hydration. These risks are not only inherent to athletes/dancers, but are also present for volunteers and guests. I hereby assume all of the risks of participating and/or volunteering in this event. Further, I agree to examine the physical staging area of the competition for any possible defects (e.g., wet or oily surface, cracks, etc.), and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, waive any and all claims relating to the physical staging area of the Competition. I realize that liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault.Waivers and Indemnity *In consideration of my participation, I waive and release all claims against idanceorg ltd, Hip Hop International, event sponsors, venues, and their representatives from any liability.Medical Treatment *I consent to receive medical treatment and ambulance services if necessary during the event and agree to cover all associated costs.I give up and release all claims against the following parties for any injury, death, disability, property damage, or theft that may occur to me during this event or while traveling to and from it:-Idanceorg Ltd, its officers an staff -Omar Paloma -Hip Hop International -Howard Schwartz Productions -The Producers and Sponsors of the Competition and its related activities -All agents, employees, venues, and licensees of the above parties, including their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and representatives -I agree to protect and hold these parties harmless against any claims or liabilities resulting from my participation or volunteering in this event, even if caused by their negligence.Photography and Videography *By participating, I understand that I may be photographed or videotaped. Given the nature of the event, it is implausible to ensure that photos or videos will not be taken. If participants do not wish to be photographed or videoed, they should not take part in the event.I understand that I may be photographed or filmed at this event or related activities. I give my consent for you and your successors to:-Take photos of me or record my voice and performance. -Use my image, voice, or likeness in photos, videos, or films. -Use these materials in promotions, advertising, or publicizing the event or related activities, including on radio, television, or in films. -I agree that my image and recordings can be used for any legitimate purpose, without any limit, and without any payment or compensation to me. This consent is final and cannot be revoked.Training and Awareness *All staff and volunteers must complete a mandatory briefing or online training module covering key Safeguarding Policies and Accident Liability Waivers before the event. Participants, including crew leaders, coaches, chaperones, and others, may also be required to attend online training, safety briefings, or onsite training or safety briefings. Failure to do so does not remove their responsibility to understand these policies. By participating in the event, it is understood that all participants have completed the required training or briefing and agree to follow its contents.Responsibilities Acknowledgement for Participants *Responsibilities Acknowledgement for Participants- I agree to follow all competition rules and event schedules. - I will report any safeguarding or safety concerns to the designated staff. - I understand that failure to follow these guidelines may result in disqualification or removal from the event.Responsibilities Acknowledgement for Staff and Volunteers *Responsibilities Acknowledgement for Staff and Volunteers- I understand and agree to the responsibilities of supervising children and vulnerable adults as outlined in the Safeguarding Policy. - I will ensure that my actions uphold the safety and well-being of all participants.Confirmation *This Accident Waiver and Release of Liability is intended to provide the broadest release and waiver allowed under applicable law. By signing this document, I confirm that I have read and understood its contents.DBS/CRB Number if KnownDate CRBDBS/CRB Number *Issued by (state/gov etc) *Date DBS/CRB *Phone *Include country codeEmail *EmailConfirm EmailSignature * Clear SignatureParent Guardian Signature * Clear SignatureI confirm that I am the legal guardian, parent of this participant Emergency ContactName *FirstLastEmergency Contact Phone Number *GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry and keep me updated about event informationSubmit