What is your main function in this event?
- The child participant’s regular coach.
- A licensed chaperone provided by the parents or coaches.
- Another individual chosen by the parents or coaches who holds a current DBS Check.

Safeguarding at the UK Hip Hop Dance Championship

To ensure that the UK Hip Hop Dance Championship is conducted in a safe and secure environment, we have established additional Safeguarding Guidelines in line with MOVE It! and Newham Council’s requirements.

-Physical aggression toward another person.
-Possession of illegal substances.
-Sexual misconduct or harassment.
-Abuse or bullying.
-Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
-Entering backstage areas, changing areas, or any other areas where a reasonable expectation of privacy or non-entry for safety reasons can be expected.
Generally, in the event of an incident, the reporting chain is as follows:

-Supervisor. Coach, Crewleader. Chaperone, etc.
-Venue Safety Officer or Security including front of house staff
-Event Organiser
-Move It Safety Officer
-Police/Ambulance (for life-threatening emergencies)

All incidents must be reported promptly to ensure timely action.

Accident and Liability Waivers

The risks include but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of athletes/dancers, equipment, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors, and/or producers of the event, and lack of hydration. These risks are not only inherent to athletes/dancers, but are also present for volunteers and guests. I hereby assume all of the risks of participating and/or volunteering in this event. Further, I agree to examine the physical staging area of the competition for any possible defects (e.g., wet or oily surface, cracks, etc.), and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, waive any and all claims relating to the physical staging area of the Competition. I realize that liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault.
I give up and release all claims against the following parties for any injury, death, disability, property damage, or theft that may occur to me during this event or while traveling to and from it:

-Idanceorg Ltd, its officers an staff
-Omar Paloma
-Hip Hop International
-Howard Schwartz Productions
-The Producers and Sponsors of the Competition and its related activities
-All agents, employees, venues, and licensees of the above parties, including their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and representatives
-I agree to protect and hold these parties harmless against any claims or liabilities resulting from my participation or volunteering in this event, even if caused by their negligence.
I understand that I may be photographed or filmed at this event or related activities. I give my consent for you and your successors to:

-Take photos of me or record my voice and performance.
-Use my image, voice, or likeness in photos, videos, or films.
-Use these materials in promotions, advertising, or publicizing the event or related activities, including on radio, television, or in films.
-I agree that my image and recordings can be used for any legitimate purpose, without any limit, and without any payment or compensation to me.

This consent is final and cannot be revoked.
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Emergency Contact