World Championships Team UK Package

by | Feb 26, 2017 | News | 0 comments

That’s GREAT news!

World Hip Hop Dance Championships 2017

Dear Competitor/Crewleader,

On behalf of Hip Hop International and Hip Hop International UK it is with great pleasure and excitement that we provide you with the complete details and information regarding HHI 2017 – August 7 – 12 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Hip Hop International 2017 is destined to be a week of extraordinary events – exciting competitions, the most inventive workshops, and nightly dance parties. In attendance will be the best dancers from around the world, dance icons, celebrities, returning HHI champions, ABDC crews, and more. Over $25,000 in cash and prizes will be shared among the Champions.

This email contains complete event details and online registration links. Make sure to download and review all of the attachments carefully as some of the information and procedures have changed. Please pay close attention to the specified due dates and fees.

Please note: The delegate fee is not the same as the hotel deposit and is payable regardless of whether you stay in the Championship Hotel.

Important Dates

April  24 Deadline to request an official invitation to accompany visa applications (not needed for anyone on an EU Passport)

May 22  Remaining balance due for group reservations at the Arizona Grand Resort

June 13 Registration deadline – Crews/MegaCrews

July 7 Deadline for battle participants to register and guarantee their place in the World Battles – ALL WORLD BATTLE PARTICIPANTS MUST BE PRE-APPROVED VIA IDANCE.

July 31 Music Submission Deadline – Crews/MegaCrews (submission is direct to HHI)

IMPORTANT: As soon as you receive this email, please return the attached form to HHI entitled: “URGENT – Confirmation of Receipt Form.”

Attached to this email are the following documents:

A. URGENT – Confirmation of Receipt Form

B. HHI 2017 – Information Packet

C. Reservation Packet for the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa

Human Error

We make every attempt to ensure the information here is accurate however mistakes can be made and will be corrected as soon as possible. Participants must adhere to the corrected information regardless of type or date of correction.

Host Hotel & Championship Headquarters

Arizona Grand Resort & Spa

8000 S. Arizona Grand Parkway

Phoenix, Arizona 85044

HHI has selected the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa as the host site and “official headquarters” for the 2017 World Hip Hop Dance Championship and World Battles. HHI strongly recommends that spectators, participants and their family & friends stay at the Arizona Grand Resort for convenient access to all competitions, battles and dance workshops located on site within the resort.


Please note: Any circumvention or attempt to circumvent HHI and HHI UK Rules or guidelines by dancers, crewleaders, parents or supporters may result in disciplinary action including warning, suspension, disqualification, and restriction from future participation. HHI and HHI-UK rules and guidelines include procedures, competition rules, tickets whether spectator or participant, workshop or accommodation procedures. There will be no exceptions. It is the responsibility of the Crewleader to ensure all dancers, parents, supporters and friends in their delegation adhere to and are aware of the rules.

In the past, for delegation management, idance®  handled hotel booking for the Team UK. To make the situation as simple as possible we have returned to our earlier system. There will be a flat admin charge of £20 per delegate. A delegate is considered a dancer, crewleader, family member or friend. The delegate fee is payable no later than May 22, 2017.

Hotel Booking

This year, dancers, parents and crewleaders may book rooms directly from the hotel or continue to make group books through idance®. In either case idance will be available to assist you throughout the process, including answering questions on your behalf and helping solve problems, if they arise. The details for booking your rooms are below.

All guest rooms are suites that include a separate bedroom and living room accommodating from 4 to 6 persons. Rooms with a king bed and sofa bed accommodate up to 4 and rooms with two double beds and a sofa bed accommodate up to 6.

A special reduced rate of $169 per night is offered to all HHI participants, spectators, family & friends. The rate includes resort fees and is subject to applicable taxes. As a new and exclusive feature, HHI participants who stay in the host hotel will have priority to private practice rooms, which includes the opportunity to pre-reserve practice space prior to onsite registration. If you need practice space your instructed to notify Omar Paloma. Please note: no practice space can be booked without proof of stay at the Host Hotel. Full payment for your entire stay plus a security deposit of $200 will be required at time of booking when booking individual rooms.

Individual Reservations (one to four rooms) can be booked using  link below or by calling the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa directly at 1-877-800-4888 or 1-602-438-9000. To receive the special rate, use the word “Championship” when making your reservation.

Book Individual Rooms Now

Group Reservations (5 or more rooms) please complete the attached form. Once the form is received you will receive a confirmation and payment request form. Please note: the first night’s room and tax plus $25pp security deposit per person,  is due for each room reserved at the time of booking and the remaining balance is due by May  22, 2017. You will be responsible for any credit card charges, exchange rate changes, taxes etc. We have estimated those charges, in Sterling, below. Please note that these are only estimates.

Please make your reservations as soon as possible – the hotel will definitely sell out! Music Submission Requirements – New for 2017!!

Deadline for music submission: July 31, 2017

Music should be sent to by attaching an mp3 or m4a track to an email with the crew name, division and country.

Each crew/megacrew is required to bring a USB to onsite registration with a backup copy of their music. The USB must only contain the music track and should not have any other files on it. Tracks should be labeled with the crew name, division and country. This allows for a quick retrieval in case of technical issues with the original song file. The USB will be held by HHI for the duration of the event and will be available for pickup immediately following the event in the Championship Headquarters located within the Arizona Grand Resort.

All crews are responsible for the quality and submission of their edited music. Crews must submit their track exactly as they want it played at the event by the music submission deadline of July 31 in either m4a or mp3 format. The music will be reviewed for inappropriate language and time requirements and will either be approved or returned to the Crew Leader to make necessary changes.

Music submitted after July 31 will incur a late fee of $50.

Performance Music Requirements

• Music length for Junior Crews: The length of recorded music for a junior crew routine is one minute thirty seconds (1:30) with a five (5) second (plus or minus) grace period.

• Music length for Varsity and Adult Crews: The length of recorded music for varsity and adult crews is two minutes (2:00) with a five (5) second (plus or minus) grace period.

• Music length for MegaCrews: The length of recorded music for MegaCrews is three minutes thirty seconds (03:30) with a thirty seconds (:30) plus or minus grace period.

Length of music for each division and other requirements can be found on the HHI website in the Rules section –

For questions or concerns pertaining to music, please contact Online Registration – Crews/MegaCrews

Please read all information and steps below as the registration process has changed for 2017. (The crewleader and Crewmember Entry Forms will be available soon)

  1. World Hip Hop Dance Championship – Crew/MegaCrew Registration Steps:
  2. The Crew Leader Entry Form must be completed by the Crew Leader of each crew (one per crew), and must include all crewmember names, dates of birth and total payment for all crewmembers registered. Registration fees for the entire crew must be paid in one payment and submitted on the Crew Leader Entry Form.
  3. Each crewmember must complete and sign their own Crewmember Entry Form.

The Crew Leader must collect a copy of each participating crewmember’s passport for submission to HHI. Note: All documents must be submitted to HHI prior to the registration deadline of June 13 in order to avoid the late fee of $100.

The entry fee for each crewmember is US$95.00, which includes all championship registration costs, free entry to all championship events, nightly parties, transportation to the World Final from the Arizona Grand Resort, an official championship t-shirt, a sponsored goodie bag and poster, and an invitation to the championship celebration party.

If a crewmember who is registered in a crew of 5-9 crewmembers is also registering in a MegaCrew, an additional entry fee of US$35.00 is due for the MegaCrew entry. This discounted fee is applicable only when the second entry is for the MegaCrew Division and does not apply for any other division. (i.e., Junior, Varsity & Adult).

Please note the deadline to register is June 13th. Each crew must submit their Crew Leader Entry Form (one per crew), Crewmember Entry Forms (one for each crewmember) and passport copies to HHI prior to this date.

Crews failing to submit necessary documentation to HHIUK prior to June 13 will incur a $100 late registration fee per crew.

Deadlines and resulting late fees will be strictly enforced. A 4.5% card fee and any applicable bank charges, etc will be added to the total.

Registration – World Battles

Please read all information and steps below as the registration process has changed for 2017. (The World Battle Entry Form will be available soon)

World Battles (Popping/Locking/Breaking/All Styles) – Registration Steps:

1. Each World Battles participant must complete an Online Registration Form.

2. Each Battle participant must submit a copy of their passport to

The entry fee for participants in the World Battles is US$35.00 per category (Popping, Locking Breaking and All Styles), which includes all registration costs, an official championship t-shirt, entrance to all World Battles and an invitation to the championship celebration party.

World Battle participants may upgrade their registration to include entrance to all World Hip Hop Dance Championship preliminary, semifinal and final events for an additional US$60.00.

Only one online registration form is needed per participant if entering more than one category.

Please note in order to guarantee a place in the World Battles, a participant must complete the registration process by July 15. Entries received after July 15, are subject to space availability.

For questions or concerns pertaining to the online registration process, please contact Omar Paloma at

Official Invitation for United States Visa

The following are the steps for crewmembers, dancers and members of UK delegations requiring a USA visa (normally not required for anyone holding an EU or British Passport.

To obtain an official invitation:

1. Contact HHI-UK for an official written invitation to accompany all visa applications no later than April 23. This request must include the name of each member of your group (spelled exactly as it appears on their passport), their passport number and date of birth.

2. Notify Hip Hop International -UK  by email when an interview date is confirmed with the US Embassy. An official letter will then be sent from USA Congressman Adam Schiff directly to the US Embassy. The invitation letters are most effective when there is ample time for the US Embassy to process a visa. The process must begin early enough to allow for a favorable result.

A visa officer at one of the USA embassies provided HHI with the following advice: During an interview a visa applicant is expected to provide evidence that they have strong social, family and/or economic ties to their homeland and that they will absolutely return home, on time and not after the visa expires.

Examples of social/economic ties that will greatly assist in the approval of a visa request:

  1. In school/college – enrolled for next semester
  2. Have travelled internationally before and/or obtained a visa before to another country
  3. Married/have children
  4. Have bank accounts/own property
  5. Have full time employment guaranteeing applicant will return home for work
  6. Involved in family business
  7. Involved with the community and/or with ties to their temple or church
  8. Strong family unit – especially for juniors – looking forward to returning home for birthdays, school and/or family trips and activities.

Each case is individual in nature and there is no guarantee that a visa will be granted, however applying early, dressing professionally and bringing to the interview any backup material that will further enhance an applicant’s qualifications (newspaper clippings, photos or video of crew, sponsorship letters, letters of support, etc.) will assist in the process. Visa applicants are encouraged to talk less about the competition and more about their life in general and why they will definitely return home. Applicants should stay calm and confident.

Event Admission/Tickets

Complimentary admission to all World Championship competitions and World Battles will be provided by HHI to the following individuals:

  1. All registered World Hip Hop Dance Championship crewmembers.
  2. ONE Crew Leader per crew

Each individual will be provided an event credential that allows access to all World Hip Hop Dance Championship preliminary and semifinal rounds and all World Battle events.

The credential does not include entry into USA Hip Hop Dance Championship events, which will require a ticket.

Crewmembers, Crew Leaders, Upgraded battle participants will be seated in a special section at the World Hip Hop Dance Championship Final at the GCU Arena.

Tickets and Wristbands will be available for purchase beginning March 1 at

Official Rules & Regulations

The World Hip Hop Dance Championship will follow the Hip Hop International Official Rules and Regulations and the World Battles will follow Hip Hop International’s Official Rules for Locking, Popping, Breaking and All Styles Battles – download the rules and regulations from the HHI website –

Practice Space

Practice space within the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa will be available for use starting on Monday, August 7. HHI participants who stay in the host hotel will have priority to private practice rooms, which includes the opportunity to pre-reserve practice space prior to onsite registration. For HHI Participants not staying at the host hotel, sign-ups will be available during onsite registration/check-in.

Introduction of Nations at the World Final – Saturday, August 12, 2017

All participating countries must bring an official flag of their country for the opening introduction of nations. Crews and dancers participating must wear their identifying national crew apparel or competition attire. Crews will not be allowed on stage in other attire during the opening ceremonies.


Hip Hop International and Hip Hop International UK declines any responsibility and liability for participants and delegation members in the event of illness and/or accidents. All participants are responsible for arranging insurance at their own expense and providing written proof upon request.

Urban Moves

A highlight of the championship week is Urban Moves, a series of original dance workshops with some of the world’s most recognized and original presenters and choreographers. All workshops will be held at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa. Single workshops are $30. A series of 3 workshops (Sunday, August 6 or Saturday, August 12) are $75 and 2 workshops on Friday, August 11 are $50. Presenters will be announced March 15.

Sunday, August 6 – 9:00am-10:15am | 10:45am-12:00pm | 12:30pm-1:45pm

Friday, August 11 – 8:30am-9:45am | 10:15am-11:30pm | 12:00pm-1:15pm

Saturday, August 12 – 8:30am-9:45am | 10:15am-11:30pm | 12:00pm-1:15pm 13

Official Rules & Regulations Workshop – Monday, August 8

This one day workshop explains, informs and demonstrates the Hip Hop International Rules & Regulations.

It includes a video history of hip hop dance, an explanation of the Hip Hop International rules and requirements for competition, hip hop/street dance styles, review and analysis of championship videos and time for questions and answers.

Registration is $85 and is open to anyone. It is highly recommended for judges, choreographers, coaches, dancers and anyone who can benefit from the information to take this course.

Link to register:

Room request DOES NOT guarantee any configuration of room or particular request. Room requests will be confirmed based on availability and order of receipt. No request will be made without first nights room plus $25pp security deposit. Rooms are not refundable nor changeable. (name changes are acceptable). The prices here are IDENTICAL to the prices on the website. We have added the security deposit and exchange rates and card fees for convenience.

Group reservations of 5 rooms or more will require first night’s room and tax per room and a security deposit of $25pp (this is not a deposit for your incidentals), 4.5% card charges, any currency exchange fees/rates at the time the reservation is made. Total prepayment for the entire stay will be due by May 22, 2017. Please note: there will be no refunds on the first night’s room and tax for changes* or cancellations. *Name changes are OK.

WHHC_Competitor_Welcome 2017_GB_Part7

Written By Omar Paloma


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